We Won! NYC Says it will restore the medallions!
Dear friends,
We won! To those of you who have supported me in my initiative to get New York City to restore the medallions on the Avenue of the Americas, especially my former students who have worked so hard collecting petition signatures, many thanks and congratulations. It took a community to do this! We all won! Nevertheless, when a group of NYC politicians held a press conference Thursday to announce that the medallions will be restored, we were not even acknowledged. They took all the credit. We got zilch, nada! |
En español: ´Ganamos!
Almost six months after my initial column proposing this idea, after I personally walked the entire length of the Avenue of the Americas and discovered that only 18 medallions are left, after my students have gathered almost 800 signatures in an online petition, after I had contacted ALL city elected officials about our idea, after several media outlets had done stories on our campaign, suddenly yesterday they came off as if it was all their idea. ´Tremendos descarados!
Obviously, I will be writing a much more detailed column about the blatant dishonesty of these individuals in the near future, especially DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez who stood at the press conference accepting praise for an idea he knows he stole. This guy was actually interviewed for at least two articles ABOUT MY IDEA! |
But I had to share the news with you immediately, especially since some petition signers are already calling me to tell me they saw Thursday’s press conference on TV and wanted to know why I was not there. ™Sera que no me invitaron?
Again, thank you! Look at it this way: It’s not our fault that our politicians have no principles or ethics. It's not our fault that half the Adams admistration seems to be on a self-serving trip. And whether they give us credit or not, we got what we wanted! In fact, when the medallions are restored, we can go there and have our own celebration, without opportunistic politicians. See the city’s press release and see how much they praise each other for what we did! LOL Click: https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/pr2022/restoration-national-medallions.shtml Prof. Miguel Pérez |